TRusT – involves ‘us’.

Mostly likely you’ve had someone, somewhere, ask you to trust them… (edit)  action of trust (edit) or you’ve been scanning the radio stations and heard, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

How are we to trust ourselves?

How are we to trust others?

How are we at to trust an unseen God?

How do we TRUST?

First we must understand how we each define, “TRUST.”  So, let’s do this and kick things off via using the same definition of , “trust” thanks to Wikipedia, “Trust is the reliance on another person or entity.”  In other words, Trust & reliance both require an action of dependance on another.  Why is it hard for me to completely “trust” another?  Hmm… Trusting another doesn’t allow be to be in control of the the situation.  Wow…. …. this brings an element of emotional fear into the picture.  Why was fear triggered?  Interesting, this brings things full circle to a personal issue of control / trust.

Time to make a totally transparent observation!  A lot of the time I trust my understanding more than others, and more than God.


Nothing is more precious to me than the illusion of my own virtue.  AKA: I think very highly of my wisdom / opinion.

(A) Acknowledge that all my ‘great’ understanding is NOT supreme.

Acknowledging that my wisdom is not the final say fuels a desire to learn from every situation.

 (B) Take baby steps of trust…..


This requires me to first do something I have an extremely hard time with: to slow down, to be still! Sitting somewhere quite, truly being 100% with another person, allowing them to penetrate my life, and then interacting with them without attempting to formulate my answers as they speak.

(c) Trust requires an action of me…. responding ….  Responding requires me to first listen.  Listening requires me to slow down with the purpose of responding.  This requires for me to pause, relax, breathe, focus, and interact with that which I’m trying to hear. . .

Action step: Leave a comment. Thoughts?  I’d be honored to hear and have you share thoughts.  How? Simply leave or submit a comment below and personally commit take one step forward from where you are at today.