
Thank You, for stopping bye!

First things first, let’s take a moment and get to know each other. 

  • Who am I?

    Photography by

    Photography by

I would consider myself a big picture kind of guy, wanna-be entrepreneur, always a way kind of thinker, focusing on making the world better, by caring for one person at a time.  I am a unbranded free individual, husband, dad, kid chauffeur, friend, coach, short distance triathlete, orator, blogger, ocean lover, encourager, and life long learner. I am passionate about: genuine encouragement, helping others, self improvement, leadership & relationships.

Why? I hope to make the world better, by investing in and caring for one person at a time!

How? Doing life alongside others & online via | |

  • Why did I start this blog?

So I could blog and vloging (video blog) about my journey in order to help others.  On this site you will find DIY minor construction tips, and principles in a factual and detailed way to help others.  You can learn from my pain, gleen from my victories, while, we attempt to daily apply one or two of the practical life steps.

  • What can I expect?

On this page you will find:(1) a brief bio, (2) Why, I started this blog, (3) What you can expect, (4) An opportunity, to interact,  and (5) the most popular posts. 

On this site you can expect helpful resources, tools, & genuine interaction.  

  • Your turn. 

Please take a moment and email me a bit about yourself?  What’s one thing you are looking for in a blog? 


Here are some of the most visited read articles on this blog:

*Learn the basic and best way to use common painting tools.

*How-To Repair a Rotten Sill or Window Trim

*How-To Repair a Ceiling

*How-To Fix Common Wallpapering Problems


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