Social media is so much more than “conversations” and ratios!
If I hear another person equate people to “conversations,”
I am going to blow an emotional fuse!
AKA: It’s time for the HULK to SMASH!
Okay, let’s break things downs into their simplest forms and then define the term, “social media.”
Social – The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms, and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
Media – Media (singular medium) is the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to synonymously with mass media or news media, but may refer to any means of information communication.
We can concluded, “Social Media” is the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in cyber communities and networks.
Social Media is so much more than a group of internet-based applications focused on conversations or ratios!
Social Media allows for the creation and exchange of people’s ideas, dreams, and theories gained from a chronicle of their journey.
In addition, social media’s end goal is for individuals and communities is to share, co-create, and discuss content generated by individuals like yourself. Social media is very different than traditional or mainline media in several ways.
As an overwhelming crowd gathers online at an ever increasing pace, the internet can quickly feel like a sea of the endless chatter of people talking for nothing more than empty conversations, self promotion ratios, and popularity.
I truly believe that Social Media is an opportunity to invest in the lives of others and have them invest in you!
It’s an opportunity to build something that truly matters on a global scale!
And for that we are into building web sites and contributing content. Social media has gone beyond social sharing/learning/interacting, to building career opportunities and income.
This is proof : the world is full of people who want to be valued and heard.
Truth be told, for countless days, months, and years, I blogged in vain attempts at achieving popularity – grasping for SUCCESS.
I wanted people to like me and marvel at my profound wisdom and insight (lol)…. …. …. …. Ya, that failed!
I not only fail once, but multiple times, as I was trying to play to the crowd.
Everyday I would check that stats, watch the count, and sign-in to Google Analytics in hopes of being valued…. Ya, I was majorily let down!
In the midst of the chaos I was creating, I decided to toss a question into the social media twilight zone (aka twitter) and ask, “How can a person (me) discover myself when I feel so numb and lost?” To my surprise, blogging guru Corbett Barr answered, not with three practical steps, or a divine theory (both those I would have discarded quickly anyway). In his response he shared, “my journey of self discovery took place through asking questions on seemingly endless walks.”
Now that was practical! That was something I could grasp and apply. So I begin walking, running, and cycling – wrestling with internal questions – seeking my purpose and trying to rediscover my seemingly lost passions.
What changed?
My perspective. My viewpoint. My mindset.
See others can choose not to like me. Others can say, “I’m not a fit.” Others can call me names or label me, while comparing me to so-and-so. Others can even fire me with so many words!
But the one thing they can not do is take away is who I am!
It wasn’t until months after being terminated that I took a brutally honest look inward, and realized I HATED the carbon copy others were hoping me to be…. and worst of all that I was trying to become…. polished, smooth, etc…. (add more and more).
But, how could I change mid-stream?
How could I become something more than another duplicate or carbon copy?
How could I see through my own facade and discover that which deeply fuels me and makes me feel alive?
And how in-the-hell can I make a living doing that which gives me energy?
Honest truth:
“I don’t know…. lol… That’s right, I don’t have it dialed in or figured out, but I do know what I crave…. and believe people are starving for others to believe in them while being brutally honest and genuine.”
After months of pondering I decided to take one small step and build a blog that included resources, tools, genuine content, and a place where people could openly ask questions and share ideas.
I know I have to prove to some of you that I have something to say. Something, that you don’t want to miss out on…. or do I?
Damn’it! Is this my elusive old nemesis of popularity and blogging for the acceptance or applause of others stiking again?!
How can a person put aside the desire of popularity or the desire to be valued by others?
If I honestly think end-game, end of life scenario, do I really care about connections? Digital connections, followers, and friends can be purchased!
We’ve thousands of computer generated connections… so what!?!
I’ve only be able to put aside the desires of applause when I think from an end-game viewpoint and then write for an audience of one! Individuals are the whole point.
What the heck does it mean to write for an audience of one?
It mean if only one lone soul reads this I’ll write! Why? My purpose has been and will continue to be to chronicle my journey, to do life with others, hoping to interact, brainstorm, encourage and be encouraged; while, learning and attempting to daily apply one or two small practical steps.
An audience of one is me and you – you and me!
Social Media is beauty, art, and creation within the form of communication. It’s a dance of people exchanging ideas, dreams, theories, and a glimpse of their chronicle of their journey. Social Media is PEOPLE! Social Media is US.
Note: This was the third post in a three-part series on One Proven Way To Guarantee Online Audience Growth. If you don’t want to miss a thing, make sure you’re signed up here.
If one point hit home in this post what was it? Why did it impact you? What’s one thing that if you received for free would bring you a sense of value? Share in the comments below. *Please, include links to anything you write that’s inspired by this post.
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