Wake by Omar Khayyám

01.23.14 Wake! For the Sun, who scatter’d into flight The Stars before him from the Field of Night, Drives Night along with them from Heav’n, and strikes The Sultan’s Turret with a Shaft of Light Omar Khayyám

Out of chaos beauty can emerge!

Out of the chaos of darkness comes the beauty of a new day’s sunrise filling the skies with possibilities, opportunities, and endless potential. Len Middleton said, “Entrepreneurship is about risk and failure: embracing it, and learning from it.” Pferdt, Googles […]

A Surprising Joy

This morning my oldest son asked if he could take his younger brother out for breakfast with the $$ he earned. This picture is a snap of them departing for a days adventure and bring a surprising joy to my […]

Life through my daughters eyes

It’s amazing to genuinely capture a moment of life through another eyes – let alone my daughters eyes. This picture was taken as Leah and I take a moment and chill in the “fluffy grass of Kailua beach park.” Action […]