Unplugged and kicking old school with my girl

Unplugged and going old school at the beach this evening, with a pair of sticks, sand, and a custom made tic-tac-toe board I said, “Game on!” In a previous post titled, “ReThinking About Personally Getting Divorced or Separation in 2014” […]

When The Sun Comes Up

When the sun comes up, it’s radiant colors stretch across the morning sky, and it’s gentle embrace warms my skin. When the sky is grey, and the rain comes down, I’m chilled and quickly take cover. For me each sunrise […]

Enjoy The Moment

Some moments seem longer and then others. While, some days seem to pass bye within the blink of an eye. Here’s to pausing, unplugging, and enjoying a moment in the day: a sunrise, a gentle breeze, a cloud passing over […]