Fear Can Sabotage Success or Fear Can Cause Self-Sabatoge

Why do people sometimes sabotage their own success? Why do some perform well during training or game time simulations but choke in the actual delivery? Some have come to the conclusion that this problem relates to a “fear of failure”. […]

How To Guarantee Online Audience Growth 2

  How do you get the attention of others? (besides your mom or dad 🙂 How do you earn a place of value in others lives? How do you get people to want to listen? We all have a desire […]

How To Build Resilience Through Solitude – Part 3

The value of scheduling some time for yourself each and everyday is truly priceless. By unplugging learning to enjoy silence and your own company will enable you to discover and eventually taking time for the things that are important to […]

Do You Lead By Fear, Intimidation, or Trust 8

If you’ve ever been apart or watched teams sports at any level – you have probably observed that many coaches lead through fear and intimidation. I’ve been on both sides as a player and bystander.  I’ve seen coaches criticize players […]