4 Illusionists – Money, Power, Fame, & Sex

If I could go back in time and give my unwieldy, baggy-jeans wearing, 15 year-old self some advice, it would be this, ““FITTING-IN” is OVER-rated.” If truth be told, my idealism at the current time would have trumped any advice. A few […]

Feeling like a Failure? Squash it BUG-STYLE!

Ever look off into the distant horizon while feeling like a failure? Ever take a deep breath before opening your car door as you attempt to muster up courage? Ever watch others laugh, smile, and wonder why is everyone around […]

Crap, I’ve failed!!! How am I going to start over?

Nobody likes failing and having to start over. At least, I don’t know anyone who looks forward to it. Sure, there are others like me, those rare crazy ones who love the thrill of a new venture, but not on […]

The need to breathe and let go of control 2

written by leah drinen (soulremedies.net) i am the sort of person who does not like buttons, not the wearable sort (though i don’t like those either, come to think of it!). i like dials and switches, looms and needles, scissors and […]