Needing Inspiration? 1 Quote & 7 Inspirational Wallpapers

 Today I found myself needing to be Inspired!  So quickly turned to my archived files and dug up the following: 1 Quote & 7 Inspirational Wallpapers “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by […]

Create Something People Can Connect With!

In a world where some are more connected by a bandwidth than face to face interaction, connectivity seems almost free.  Getting on a stage today, before others is easier than ever and requires less energy than adding to my grandfathers […]

The Important Things In Life 1

Today, I celebrate my 17th wedding anniversary and I find myself navigating a few major life transitions. In the mist of things various questions come to mind. At the bottom of it all, I find myself asking one core question, “What […]

Desiring To Do Something Great

Ever dreamed of doing something great? Have you ever felt misplaced or under valued? Doing something great is a lot simpler than you may think, because you used to feel like you achieved greatness frequently! Everyone has at one point.  Especially […]