Is Social Media Conversations, Ratios, Or More?

  Social media is so much more than “conversations” and  ratios!  If I hear another person equate people to “conversations,” I am going to blow an emotional fuse! AKA: It’s time for the HULK to SMASH! Okay, let’s break things downs […]

TRusT – involves ‘us’.

Mostly likely you’ve had someone, somewhere, ask you to trust them… (edit)  action of trust (edit) or you’ve been scanning the radio stations and heard, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own […]

Stop Oozing With Envy & Start Having Online Audience Growth

For countless days, month, and years, I’ve oozed with envy, watching bloggers succeed while I wallowed in blogging mud.  Jealousy turned bitter!   Bitterness twisted to resentment, and I began to see the world through jaded glasses that distorted the […]