How-To Fix Common Wallpapering Problems

If your wallpapering job didn’t go as well as planned, we can show you how to fix common wallpapering mistakes such as gaps, tears and bubbles. TOOLS brush cloth sealant dispenser paintbrush utility knife sponge seam roller sanding block pasting […]

How-To Fix a Leaking Toilet

One aggravating toilet malfunction occurs when water constantly runs into the bowl. Use these step-by-step instructions to fix a leaking toilet. TOOLS slip-joint pliers MATERIALS ballcock assembly flapper Inspect the Float and Inlet Valve Take a look inside the tank. […]

How-To Best Care For Your Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows need little maintenance, apart from washing to keep them clean. Hinges may sometimes need lubricating, and occasionally you might need to replace a catch. Broken catch Pry off the fixing cover with a screwdriver then remove and replace […]

Resilience, Getting Up – Part 2

Batman Begins is one of my favorite movies and contains a powerful statement when young Bruce asks, “Why do we fall?” The reply is simple yet profound. “So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” Learning to get up and […]