OVEREXPOSED or underdeveloped? – Part 2

Two weeks ago, (part 1) we talked about how many of us are overexposed and how we know many people and spread ourselves very thin relationally, but really their lives are underdeveloped.

We need to balance our lives if we want to stay effective for the long haul.
First, a lack of balance leads to frustration. 
Maybe you can relate to this: Sometimes I find myself working on one part of my life and then another part crumbles. It’s like playing that frustrating game of “Whack a Mole” at Chuck-E-Cheese. It’s a struggle to get everything under control.
Second, a lack of balance leads to fatigue. 
When you buy a new set of tires, it is important to get them balanced. If you don’t do that, they will wear out easier and quicker! The same is true for in life. When you’re out of balance, you get tired.
Then I suggested that we each need to find balance in these areas:
    • Mental: In today’s fast-paced world, with an increasing number of social problems and anxieties , it is not easy to maintain calm and focused for any appreciable period of time. However, it is extremely desirable to try to develop and maintain a positive mindset.  You can’t just allow anything into your mind.
    • Physical: We must take care of our bodies.
    • Spiritual: We must maintain the spiritual habits.
    • Emotional: Are experiencing peace, patience, or riding on the edge.
    • Social: Even if everything else is right in your life, if your relationships are wrong, you will still have major problems with your life.


Questions that have helped me discover if I am OVEREXPOSED -or- underdeveloped?

    • Am I mentally sharper than I was five years ago? If not, what am I going to do about the regression? (mental)
    • Do I frequently complain of a lack of energy? Why? (physical)
    • Am I regularly spending time talking care of myself spiritually? (spiritual)
    • Do I worry a lot? Am I moody? Am I depressed easily? If so, what am I going to do about it? (emotional)
    • Who can I count on as a genuine friend? Who can count on me? (social)


The most important thing is to BE BRUTALLY HONEST with yourself as you ask each question!

*If you honestly can’t be straight with yourself pull in someone that can.

Where are you at?  

Is your life / tank full or depleted?

The concept of the tank
What empties your tank?
What fills your tank?

An ancient proverbs stated, “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways but the folly of fools is deception.” In other words, wise people think about where they’re headed.

Here are three practical steps to help you do that:

STEP #1: Take inventory

Do a self-examination. Have a mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and social checkup and evaluate your lifestyle. Ask yourself: Don’t just rely on your own perceptions. Ask your spouse or a close friend some of these questions about you.

STEP #2: Write down a plan of action.

Balance doesn’t come by accident; you’ve got to work at it.  We need to be careful how we live. To not live like those that are foolish, but like those who are wise. How do you do that? You plan and prepare. A life of balance is marked by habits. If you’re living a life of balance, your plan will reflect successful habits in all areas of your life.

STEP #3: Make sure you’re striving for a balanced life. 

You can’t “white knuckle” or force a balanced life.  You will need to take small, practical steps, and know that change comes over time. You will quickly slip out of balance if you have unrealistic goals. Balances is attained through small, attainable goals, and genuine relationships that help you stay the course.
Okay, now what?
Let’s not just be observing readers but readers to take action.
Your ‘tank’ is your energy and your passion for what you do.  A full tank is what keeps you going at full force, with all your creative juices flowing and your heart on fire. But everything you do costs you energy, some things more than others and they empty your tank slowly. So like the gas tank of a car, your tank of energy needs filling up. If you keep going without taking the time to fill up your tank, you’ll end up leading on empty. Once that meter hits ‘E’ and the red light starts blinking, you’ll be too late.
What empties your tank?

What are those things you do that really drain your energy?
Maybe it’s the administrative tasks that come with the territory of being in youth ministry. Or maybe it’s pastoral conversations or visits to the high school or leading small group.

How to know?
It’s those things that make you tired, frustrated, or angry.
For me, it was meetings, especially those I had to attend but didn’t lead myself. I’d never been big on meetings, but when I started leading various ministries, I came to dread them. They were long, boring, often completely useless and they took up so much time that I could use far better otherwise. I always came home frustrated and exhausted from meetings like that. They were emptying my tank.

What empties your tank? 
Take some time to list those activities that frustrate you, wear you out or plain scare you. It’s okay to admit not loving everything about life and these insights will help you guard your health, spiritually, mentally and physically.
Pause… what?
Pause, right now and take some the time to list all the things that are emptying your tank.
Final step:  Schedule some time to write out one or two simple things that you can include in your daily schedule to fill your tank.
Action step: Leave a comment. Thoughts?  I’d be honored to hear and have you share thoughts.  What fills your tank?  What drains you?  What’s one thing you can do today to fill your tank a bit more? How? Simply leave or submit a comment below and personally commit take one step forward from where you are at today.