Leadership Is Earned NOT Ordained (Part 1 Define)

In this short three (3) week posting, we will look at the following together:

1. Personally defining what leadership is and is not (Part 1).

2. (Part 2).

3. Personal conclusions (Part 3).

Every individual has leadership potential within them, regardless of family names, upbringing, title or position.  However, many people give themselves the title of leader (No different than 12 century or modern dictators), and expect others to respect them as a leader without actually understanding the value and meaning of leadership.

There are also those who have been positioned as a leader by family, friends, collages, and others.  Yes, they may be ranked at the top of a hierarchy and hold an important position, but they fail individual and the team when they are needed.

Leadership is far more than a numbers, production, or profit / loss report.

Bottom line: Whether we are given / granted the title of leader by others or take it upon ourselves, we must remember that leadership is an honor – leadership is a privilege and something that must be earned from each individual we lead.

Why? Because others are counting on us and they are placing their trust in us, hopes, and dreams in us.  And not only their personal dreams but that of their families.

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

Dale Carnegie

“When hiring individuals, remember you are not only bringing on a person, but their dreams, aspirations, and family.”

Dale Carnegie

Action step: Leave a comment. Thoughts?  I’d be honored to hear and have you share thoughts.  How? Simply leave or submit a comment below and personally commit take one step forward from where you are at today.